15 October 2010

Don't Forget to Mark Your Calendar

h/t Dana


Jenny said...

First one.. reminds me of Oleg's. Nice.

Second... gah. "Oh noes, the feds didn't up the amount they're soaking my grandkids for my Social Security check this year."

Frankly, I think the concept of the middle class entitlement is gonna have to get revisited.... but it sure doesn't square with the "I'll have Tea" reference.

Rev. Paul said...

Jenny, thanks - and agreed, re: the latter comment. I'm no fan of entitlement programs, but we're currently stuck with it.

That said, I didn't give it a lot of thought at Oh-dark-thirty this a.m. It doesn't belong here.

On a Wing and a Whim said...

Take out trash. Roger, wilco.