30 March 2011

It's Not Just Older Folks

Miss 15 just ran an errand, going downstairs to retrieve the house phone, and her chapstick. She came back with the phone and a comb.

"You know, that's the sort of thing that you young'uns laugh at us older folks about," I said.

"Um ... oops?"


Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

The young'uns have as much on their minds as we do. The doctor told me I'm not loosing my mind, just have too much on it!

Once when I was a teen I cleared my plate from the supper table and carried it up stairs---instead of into the kitchen! That's one of the family's crazy Cassie stories.
Be well.
Cassie (Using the dog'sblog tonite)

joated said...

For us older folks they say it's "loss of memory." For the young'uns it's "short attention span." Either one works the same way, heh?