26 August 2015

Presidential Visit to Alaska

Ho-hum. At least now he'll have visited all 58 states ... or is it 59?

There's a great editorial in today's paper, where a conservative and/or libertarian voice sneaked through:
President Barack Obama is coming to Alaska.

So what? He’s not coming to learn. He’s made that perfectly clear in the video he circulated when he announced his trip. He’s coming to use Alaska as a backdrop to further his argument on climate change.

He’s coming to use us.

Of course, he is the president, and we are supposed to welcome him with open arms, and we will. However, this state has some strong disagreements with this president, and he never bothers to take a minute and listen to what we have to say.

He's to be in Anchorage on the 31st, Seward on the 1st, and visiting several villages the day after that.

I wonder if anyone told him you can't land a 747 on a grass strip by the river in Kivilina? Maybe they're fitting it with pontoons?



Vicki said...

Your enthusiasm is underwhelming. :)
And, um, even my 7 year old grandson knows how many states are in the Union. Sad, really.

Rev. Paul said...

Since his visit has nothing to do with anything we want or need, there's nothing to get excited about.

And yeah, even the most dumbed-down Common Core student knows there are 50 states.

ProudHillbilly said...

Um, could you keep him?

Rev. Paul said...

Begging your pardon, ma'am, but why would we want him?

Cathy said...

Won't. Can't watch the video. His visage and voice . his hectoring . . . drive me crazy.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Maybe he will go bear watching.

Rev. Paul said...

Understood; it was provided merely to add context for the "58 states" comment.

Rev. Paul said...

WSF - I suppose it's possible, but not on what's known of his agenda so far.

Old NFO said...

Depends on who's counting... They could land in Kivilina... Once... :-)

Rev. Paul said...

NFO, I'm not sure a belly-flop counts as a "landing". :)

Guffaw in AZ said...

I notice he's NOT visiting Wasilla...


Rev. Paul said...

Guffaw, I wondered if anyone else would notice that. :)