23 August 2015

Wotta Revoltin' Development!

My airway, which normally feels half-dollar-sized, appears to have shrunk to the size of a nickel. Congestion, a bit of a sore throat, and some coughing.

I don't feel bad, but I don't have enough air to walk across the room. I'm normally in pretty good health, so when something's off, it tends to make me ... well, crotchety.

Okay, crabby.

So I'll keep my grumbling to myself, and wish you all a fine day. Thanks for stopping by, friends. :)


Ed Bonderenka said...

Paul. Is this something recurring?
I mean, I'd be panicking.
Saying a small prayer for you.
Larger prayers upon request. :)

Rev. Paul said...

It's not a recurring condition; at least, it hasn't happened before. I'm sure it will pass quickly. I'm already better in most respects (i.e., less coughing) than last night.

Vicki said...

You know the drill Plenty of rest. Lots of fluids. And if it doesn't go away very soon, please get it checked out.
This from someone who spent two weeks in a hospital because she was too stubborn to see a Dr. :)

Rev. Paul said...

Yes, ma'am. :)

drjim said...

Get well soon!

Maybe a little hot tea with lemon and honey?

And a shot (or two...) of something stronger in it.....

Rev. Paul said...

Thanks, Jim - good suggestions all. ;)

Old NFO said...

Get checked... And +1 on drjim... :-)

Rev. Paul said...

I hear you, NFO, and that's taken under due consideration.

Guffaw in AZ said...

Crotchety is probably a bit lower...

Hope you get to feeling better SOON!

(Dave (the genius/mechanic) suggests when such things occur, to drink a pint of Canadian Club quickly. Upon awakening (a day or two later) you will feel better!


Rev. Paul said...

Guffaw, I suspect you'd feel somewhat otherwise than "better". :)

Cathy said...

So glad to have missed this post, Rev. Paul. And SO GLAD you're ok :) I've been wobbly lately and honestly this would have freaked me out on your behalf. Prayers of thanksgiving that you're ok.

Rev. Paul said...

Cathy, prayers of thanksgiving are completely & exactly appropriate. It's not fun to feel so wobbly.