08 November 2020

Wait Just a Minute!

 Our friends at American Thinker have a very good, well-reasoned article about why Joe Biden is in deep trouble, electorally-speaking.

Read it here.


Ed Bonderenka said...

I interviewed my friend Pat Colbeck Saturday (shameless plug, go listen at my blog).
He was in Detroit and saw the vote tabulating computer pop up a window that said something to the effect of "this computer has been hacked".
That was at 10 am, when the Antrim County computers "glitched" and have Biden 6000 votes that belonged to Trump.
The only reason it got caught there was the citizens of a red county (Antrim) said WTF?
Alito telegraphed he doesn't like the after 8pm votes.
Do that in Detroit now, and Trump wins Michigan.
And America wins Trump.

Rev. Paul said...

I like your turn of phrase, Brother. Preach on!

LindaG said...

Thanks for this, Reverend.

Rev. Paul said...

You’re very welcome, Linda.