02 October 2009

Friday Follies

Or, Let the Spin Begin!

How many ways can the Fringe Media spin the Epic Fail of the Lobbyist-in-Chief? I know - it was because South America has never had an Olympics! Right? Am I right?

Come on, people: it's not like Chicago lost a squeaker to Rio ... they didn't even come close. What a joke this whole public relations fiasco has been.

The only problem is that the joke's on all of us.

* * * * *

There is a LOT of new snow in the mountains, today. And after 7 1/2 hours of sunshine, the temperature has only made it to 44 degrees. The wind has caused a slow-but-steady shower of leaves today, too. One good windstorm would take most of the leaves down, now.

* * * * *

Gasoline prices have slipped just a bit, falling to $3.23 per gallon. That's not much of a break, but we'll take what we can get. My truck is down to a half-tank, and that's 16 gallons I'll have to pump back in there, over the weekend.

It's been a long week, and I'm tired of staring at a computer. It's time to put my feet up & read a good book.


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